
Top 5 Ways To Manage Your Sales Funnel Using A Real Estate CRM

The foremost insight in sales is to build a helpful and convenient sales pipeline. Unlike other industries, real estate transactions are long, equipped, and complex. As a real-estate industrialist, a professional real-estate CRM helps to gain an edge over your competitors.

It is very important to understand that not every CRM is best for the real estate world. With complexities and unique needs, this industry needs a highly professional real-estate CRM with features that effectively helps in fully optimizing the existing prospects, moving them towards the forward direction in the sales funnel, and creating new leads by improving productivity and sales. It is a gradual journey but definitely possible with the correct use of a good real estate CRM.

Nurturing the relationship with existing customers in real estate is as important as acquiring new customers to build future revenue. An easy and accurate sales funnel will simplify all the hassles of maintaining the pipeline with the help of a good CRM system. The real-estate CRM will empower you with the tools to efficiently manage all the leads and will give you a 360-degree overview of your sales pipeline.

What does a sales funnel look like in real estate?

  1. Reach: This is the most initial stage where you reach your audience through multiple modes; Calls, marketing campaigns, email marketing, Facebook ads, LinkedIn ads, Google ads, etc.
  2. Lead Capture: Capturing the opportunity when an inquiry comes up or when a lead shows interest in your outbound pitch. Prospect: This is where you will do that initial pre-qualification, answer the questions asked by interested leads, and assess the prospective seller or buyer’s needs.
  3. Conversation: Stage where you build trust and make sure that you stay ahead of your competitors and offer the best in the market.
  4. Agreement/Contract: Your customer has settled for a property and you are in the process of signing the contract.
  5. Closing: Close the deal by finishing pending formalities.
  6. Final payment follow-up: Following up on the pending payment.

How does real estate CRM software help in creating and managing the perfect sales funnel?

  • Contacting new leads and prospects right on time: Considering the fact that the market is filled with the same kind of database and your target is being approached by hundreds of people like you in a day, reaching the consumer at the right time plays a major role in acquiring leads. The right real-estate CRM gets you following up with each lead as soon as possible.

  • Marketing campaigns: Not only can your website integrate with your real-estate CRM so you can receive all the leads directly, but the CRM also has wonderful features where you can keep your marketing campaigns on a centralized hub. Many real-estate CRM software have email marketing campaign modules where you can send bulk emails with a click and you can even get the analysis of the number of emails sent, delivered, and opened. By knowing the opening rates of your emails, you can always send the best to your target audience.

  • Eliminate errors and manage missed follow-ups: While following up with leads sounds very obvious and an easy step in sales, due to the high volume of tasks in real-estate and other organizational workloads, it becomes a challenge many times to call the leads right on the promised time. Good real estate CRM gives your team a formulaic approach towards planning all the tasks and follow-ups priority-wise so nothing gets missed. Minimizing the chances of human errors, the CRM automates the entire process which is hardly human-oriented but completely process-oriented.

  • Task automation and automated lead assignment: The real-estate CRM helps you to create, assign, update and view all the tasks you are involved in. You can automatically assign tasks and leads to your team member along with the history, status, next action, and follow-up date. It helps your team to plan themselves even when they are unavailable, away from work, or involved in some other projects. This way your sales funnel doesn’t get affected and the work goes on smoothly.

  • 360-degree overview of all leads and lifecycle stages: Savvy real-estate industrialists will never want to miss any update and will keep the business on fingertips. Real-estate CRM does it for you. Mostly, in this industry, leads take longer to convert into customers than other industries. This leads to more follow-ups, more tasks, and a lengthy lifecycle of leads in the funnel. The right real-estate CRM will smoothly track all your leads from multiple sources from the beginning of the sales cycle till the end and even after the deal is closed. It provides a 360-degree overview of your business on your mobile itself. With extensive customizable features combined with a powerful platform and intuitive interface, you can fully optimize your CRM and make the most out of it.

FINAL THOUGHTS: Using the right CRM with features and modules that are needed for your work process rather than going ahead with a generic one is a step real-estate professionals have to take. Real-estate CRMs are engineered in such a way that helps you to manage your business in a far better way than the traditional methods. These systems are highly flexible, responsive, easy-to-use, and intelligent enough to understand your needs. Get up and run your business your way

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